
Welcome to Millar Physio

Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist Edinburgh | Kirkliston | Ratho | West Lothian


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Find Out More About Millar Physio

Millar Physio can benefit all, no matter your background, activity level or age. With over 9 years experience in musculoskeletal physiotherapy in private practice and 4 years building his physiotherapy business freelancing, James is adept at finding the source of your pain and diagnosing your injury / condition. Furthermore, he has an in depth knowledge of the musculoskeletal system, provides the best possible advice and offers a wide range of treatment techniques to reduce pain, increase range of movement and improve overall function whether that is returning to sport, return to work, activities of daily living, and generally enjoying life again.

James Millar

Lead Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist HCPC: PH108625 CSP: 098978
  • Qualifications
    • Masters Degree in Physiotherapy (pre-registration) at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh (2015)

    • Honours Degree in Sports Science at Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh (2013)

    • Higher National Certificate in Fitness, Health, and Exercise at Jewel & Esk College, Edinburgh (2010)

  • Specialises in
    • Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

    • Advanced Deep Tissue Massage

    • Acupuncture and Dry Needling

    • Percussion Therapy

    • Strength and Conditioning

    • Joint Mobilisation and Manipulation

    • Therapeutic Ultrasound Therapy

    • Return to Sport/Activity

James is a dedicated and motivated individual who always strives to improve his knowledge and keep up to date with the latest evidence, testing procedures, therapeutic treatment techniques, and advancements in rehabilitation. His initial interest in physiotherapy came from his own personal injury experiences and via a rehabilitation module in his undergraduate degree. This interest lead him to undertake two dissertation studies regarding recovery from exercise and hamstring injury rehabilitation following injury. Outside of work, James is close with his family, seeing them on a regular basis, he has a keen interest in football having been brought up with the sport in his life as well as previously playing and coaching. However, his playing days are all but gone due to his injury. He also has a keen interest in travelling, working out in the gym, seasonal mountain biking / skiing, and occasional scuba diving.



Check our Pricing

Clinic Initial Assessment Appointment


  • 45 minute session
  • For new clients and current clients with new complaint / injury.
  • Appointment consists of gathering a brief history of the presenting complaint and a physical assessment to diagnose injury / condition, combining to find the source of pain.
  • Also includes manual therapy and prescription of a home exercise plan based on your physiotherapists findings.

Clinic Follow-Up Appointment


  • 45 minute treatment sessions
  • For returning clients with the same complaint / injury.
  • Appointments involve manual therapy & progression of exercise plan and any further advice required.



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Opening Times

Kirkliston Leisure Centre: Wednesdays, Thursdays: 08:45-18:30

EICA Ratho: Tuesdays, Saturdays: 08:45-18:30

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Millar Physio Kirkliston

Millar Physio Ratho

Private Medical Insurance

Millar Physio is a recognised healthcare provider with WPA, AXA and Aviva Health Insurance and are currently taking on new clients via this private medical insurance route. Please contact us for further details.



Millar Physio is proud to be in partnership with global production and distribution companies supplying us with orthotic insoles, footwear, and medical grade clinical physiotherapy equipment which is used in all of our clinics and prescribed to our client base.



Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions please call, email or use the contact page

  • If your pain has not resolved within 1-2 weeks it is more beneficial to book a physiotherapy appointment as soon as possible after this period as it is more likely that you will recover quickly and not be in pain for so long. It is not advisable to leave pain unchecked as the longer you leave it the longer it will take to treat and recover.

  • During your initial assessment, you’ll need to bring any medical reports you may have (i.e. X-ray, MRI). Also, you should wear comfortable clothing that is easy to move in as well as expose, if necessary.

  • Your physiotherapist will be able to give you a more accurate timeline after completing your initial assessment. Some patients have relief after the first session depending on the injury and treatment.

  • Generally, your physiotherapist will request to see you 1-2 times each week as you are first developing your program and understanding your condition. As you progress, you and your physiotherapist will decide the schedule that is most appropriate to continue making progress towards your goals.

  • While it's not uncommon to feel sore after physiotherapy, you should never experience severe pain. It's important not to confuse tenderness with pain. Soft tissues that are overworked or damaged cause pain and will have become tight and weak over time and therefore require treatment which, due to the pressure required to make a difference to the tissues, it is completely normal to feel tender for 2-3 days following this treatment. However, the choice is yours as to the level of treatment pressure and should be bearable to you.